Remember back in The Day, when the Internet was dominated by freaks, weirdos, eccentrics and maniacs?
- Before every common rube and yokel with a phone line and a 486 was allowed access?
- Before every middle-aged suburban housewife could prop up her own web page?
- Before every snot-nosed teenager could buy a domain name with his parents' credit card?
- Before Corporate America put a ".com" on everything they made? |
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Children's sites? | BYE-BYE. |
Corporate sites? | BLAMMO. |
"Kewl" Sites Of Whenever? | A THING OF THE PAST. |
Top 5% sites? | NOT HERE. |
Star Trek sites? | SET PHASERS TO "IGNORE." |
Religious sites? | SMITED. |
Facebook? | Who? |
CyberCreep routes your internet traffic around so-called "Quality" sites, granting you faster access to The One True Web...
The Weird Web that Congress and the Pentagon don't want you to see! Shit like this:

The late Bill Hicks, the greatest comedian you've never heard of.
(Bill just didn't have what it takes to do Disney movies and truck commercials)

The former home of the Dysfunctional Family Circus, but that's another matter.

Bastard Operator From Hell
BOFH Archive

Breaking Madden
"They've got him. Pull up the rope. There's nothing we can do for him now."

Amateur science + cute girls = Cool!

Acts Of Gord
"You don't have very good customer service!"
"You aren't a very good customer."
Ah, customer service the way!

Concerned: The Half-Life and Death of Gordan Frohman

Red Meat
Red Meat Construction Set

The Comics Curmudgeon
"Did you know that 'Mark Trail' is actually an Estonian word? It's derived from 'Mark,' meaning 'smug,' and 'Trail,' meaning 'tsunami-surviving bastard.'"

The Church Of The SubGenius.
Eternal salvation or triple your money back!

"You will send me four dead cats in a shoebox. I will send you high-quality photos of them as marionettes."
marketer: "Thank you for your time. Your blog is not a good fit for us presently."

The Toast
"Please excuse the language. I've been exposed to small but constant levels of solar radiation for the last fourteen years, and sometimes I swear to God I can feel parts of my skull liquefying, and I have to lie down before I get the shakes."

The Skeptic's Dictionary & Guide for the New Millennium
with new space-age ingredient Skeptizon-7TM, guaranteed to improve your spiritual outlook by 500%!!

The Worst Things For Sale
Clients From Hell
The Darwin Awards
This is Why You're Fat
Adobe UI Gripes
The Six Stages of Field Service Support
Cynicism? You're soaking in it.

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